Not Plant Based


Today, having turned 25 a couple of days ago, I consider eating alone to be a form of self care. When I was younger, I’d fight against my yearning for isolated satiety, as I thought it might leave me vulnerable to bullying, and might even result in a picture of myself trying to eat a Pret sandwich in one bite ending up on that Facebook group ‘Women Who Eat On Tubes’.

As a former binge eater, eating alone always used to be very ritualistic, a safe place for my mental health to stew. Binges were always spent alone in my room, to hide me from the shame I’d feel if anyone were to notice the unhealthy amount of food I was about to swallow. After years of living in a cocoon of fear, I’ve since emerged uninhibited and ready to explore the wealth of restaurants, cafes and food shacks nearby to where I live, unafraid of someone noticing that I’m alone with herbs in my teeth and mayo on my boob.

I don’t have time for friends who promise me they’ll love to go and try the new pizza place I’ve been nagging them to visit for months. I’m going to go there on my own now instead, and I’m going to use their empty chair as a hanging post for my coat.

Here’s 10 reasons why you should learn to love eating out alone too, even with a history of disordered eating:

1. You don’t have to share the food you order.

2. There’s no awkwardness about splitting the bill at the end.

3. You can order whatever the hell you want and not feel you have to swap because your mate is planning to order the same.

4. You can get shit done. Read a book, listen to a podcast or doodle in a journal.

5. It’s a wonderful thing to learn to be independent. When people shit on you – as they inevitably will in this life – it’s good to know that you can always rely on yourself.

6. You don’t have to deal with people bailing on plans.

7. You’ll get to discover amazing new places and eat really wonderful things.

8. You won’t have to cook!

9. You won’t have to wash up!

10. You will be able to show your body that it deserves feeding, and that to eat and eat in public is nothing to be ashamed of.